
The Real World (not the show)

This is the real world…
This is the level that we find ourselves at--

A place where only the privileged get to do what they love…
The rest of us struggle to get there...

And settle for what pays right now…
Not in the long run…

We don’t have time for that…time is money…
So we hate our jobs.

Disgruntled employees living disgruntled lives--mostly because we’re disgruntled employees.

This is the level of which we live…
A level that changes everything.

I used to be pleasant, but who you are and how you see and perceive things
Change dramatically when your back is against the wall…

When you’re climbing the mountain—what seems like Everest with no harness…
No protection, no insurance.

Everything you knew, everything that used to bring you joy…gets unpleasantly thrown out the window…
With intentions to destroy, not preserve, reserve, or to save for later

And then I think about…it dawns on me that this perspective that I have—the awakening, if you will,
Is shared by millions just like me who are not give the fair shot, the proper opportunity and have no choice but to live with their backs against the wall and don’t worry about anything else because they can’t worry about anything else.

But they’re labeled as thugs, miscreants, etcetera, etcetera…
but they only care for you as much as you care for them..

The only time you even think of us is when you or someone you love is walking down a dark alley, where no cops are around…

Why should we care about you? About what you stand for? About who you have at home? Fuck you. Fuck this.

There’s only one thing that keeps people going, and that’s their personal pursuit of happiness…whether its money or murder. People who give a lot, not to give to others, but to feel better about themselves—to better their egos…the same reason why people take a lot.

We’re not too different after all.

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