
Let's get serious..

For those of you that know me, you know my life is an open book. I've always put my life out there and I don't hide anything because I don't feel I need to.
However I have never put my family life out there. Its a very sensitive topic but I have a lot to say that can maybe and hopefully help a lot of people out there.

About a little more than a year ago my sister was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (known as MS) .
MS is a cronic and sometimes disabling disease that attacks the central nervous system which is made up of the optic nerves, spinal cord and the brain. The cause of MS has yet to be determined. Most say it's an Immune system disease. The bodys own defense system attacks the myelin (the subtance that surrounds and protects the nerve fibers in the central nervous system). When any part of the myelin is damaged or destroyed the nerve signals going and coming from and to the brain and spinal cord are disturbed or interrupted which causes the symptoms of MS.

There are three stages of MS the early stages, moderate and severe. Severe causing paralysis and blindness.

The symptoms and causes of MS range differently in people. Some get it early on and quickly and some don't get any symptoms at all for a long time since being diagnosed. Some signs of MS can be dizziness, numbness, not being able to stand or walk without being in a great deal of pain.

My sister found out because she said her arm was numb and at times she wasn't getting any feeling in her right arm. One morning she could barely stand and my mom had to rush her to the hospital. They ran some test and did an MRI and which showed spots on her brain. Luckily she was early on in the stages of MS and with treatment she was able to slow down the symptoms and the process of MS getting to the level of severe.

People diagnosed with MS include TV show host Montell Williams (who is actually being diagnosed by the doctor that is diagnosing my sister), R&B singer Tamia, it's been said that Ozzy Osbourne was but then it turned out to be a false alarm even though he was getting the symptoms of MS, actor/comedian Richard Pryor and many more.

My sister was doing well in the beginning keeping up with her medication and daily shot. There are different treatments for MS and my sister was on Copaxone which is taken by injection. It basically acts as a myelin decoy blocking the myelin-damaging cells. However lately she has refused to take her medications. The doctor told her as long as she takes the medication the spots she already had won't go away but at least new ones won't form. Recently she went to the doctor for her check up and they found more spots on her brain since she refuses to take her medication.

Her excuse of not taking it isn't valuable either. She wants to party, drink. She doesn't get enough sleep at times she comes home in broad daylight changes clothes and goes to work. She is stressing her body and her brain which will just cause the symptoms to appear faster. Apparently she doesn't care one bit! The doctor himself told her he was surprised that she wasn't getting symptoms yet and to consider herself lucky. She wears heals everyday while some women with MS can't wear them at all and some can't even walk I. Their own but she keeps on taking this as a joke.

My mother constantly fights about her ordering the shots but she refuses. I feel bad for her but we can't force her to take the shots. Sometimes I believe she is still in denial. She tells my mom she is and feels fine. But MS can change rapidly from one day to another. I've heard of cases where some have woken up, not being able to move and get out of bed because they can't walk or feel their legs.

I don't know what goes on in her mind or why she doesn't want to take care of herself. It saddens me really but what can I do??! Her excuse is that she doesn't want to inject herself for the rest of her life but she doesn't understand the millions of people that have to inject themselves not only with MS but how about diabetes? They still go on to live a healthy happy life. (Halle Berry, Angelina Jolie, Nick Jonas from the pop group Jonas Brothers).

I don't understand a person who has a chance to live better why won't you take it? She sees all these girls in the doctors office that weren't as lucky as herself and already suffer on a pretty bad level with the symptoms of MS.

I just hope she doesn't wake up without being able to move or walk and then she will want to take care of herself. When it's too late. Hopefully she will wake up from her stupidity one day soon and start taking care of herself..

For her own good and well being because she is just hurting herself..