



You will find that guy who is gonna change your life
Just wait and see, true love is waiting out there for you.

The words he speaks will melt your heart away
His touches will give you goosebumps
The scent of his cologne will drive you insane
You will hold him and never let go

When it's cloudy, you will see sunshine
When it's freezing, you will feel warmth
When it rains, you won't use an umbrella

Nothing will matter when you are in his presence,
In his arms,
In his strong embrace..

Nothing will come between you two when all you have is love everything else is extra..

The best things in life are free..

Waiting for you...

Five states, a million hours later...
Determined, anxious, nervous and excited.
Negative two degrees, Wind blowing snow all over the place
in my eyes and on my face. You can actually hear the tree branches slowly snapping off.
That cold frozen feeling that feels like your face is getting cut open.

Walking as fast as I could.. actually almost running to this little cabin house I see a little further up the road.
Twenty minutes later..
Body completely numb
I make it to the cabin only to be told "sorry no visits today."

A blank stare on my face
No emotion
No response
No movement what so ever for about a minute

Then the tears
I started crying and screaming threw myself on the floor and just wanted to die.
I'm freezing cold
Been traveling for the past 10 hours
It is now 7am and I left new York at 8pm yesterday!

I felt helpless... Didn't know what to do.

I just wanted him to know I was here
Just slip him a note at least if possible
Just to say,
I was here
I came ... I'm sorry they didn't let me see you
I love you
Can't wait to see you
I'm slowly dying without you!
I just wanna see your beautiful brown eyes
Your smile
Hear you laugh
That laugh that let's me know everything will be and is okay!"

I cried all my makeup clean off my face. Got myself together and picked myself up off that cold floor.

A older man comes up to me and says "Hi pretty lady, I'm sorry for the mix up in the visiting dates, but right up the block is a bus stop, the bus will be here in about 10 minutes and will take you back to New York."

I get on the bus and walk towards the very last seat in the back of the bus.
I remove my heavy coat, put my headphones on and get comfortable. It's going to be a long ride.

As I listen to R. Kelly "I Can't Sleep" I slowly doze off and dream about the day you finally come home...