
There is nothing...

There is nothing like...
The rush you get when you meet someone who shares all your interest.
Someone who finishes your sentences,
Someone who, while you speak, speaks over you and ends up saying the same thing you were going to say.
The butterflies you feel when the phone rings and you see their name across the screen.
When you get that phone call and instead of hearing "hi"
you hear "I miss you babe how was your day"
When no matter how busy their day is they take 2 minutes to call and ask about YOUR day.
How you blush and get shy when you speak to your friends about them.
The rush you get when they call to say they are on their way
The feeling you get when they call to say they are outside
The feeling you then get when you walk up to them and one simple tap kiss feels like you are in heaven.
When the simple things make you feel like you are flying.
Like just roaming the city holding hands,
Sitting on a bench in a park not saying a word to each other
Going to the movies and not even watching the movie
Receiving a bouquet of pink roses because he knows they are your favorite without you ever telling him they were your favorite.

Just knowing that he listens to every word you say even when you think he isn't paying attention and then he agrees and says "yes babe because..." (and repeats everything you just said word for word.)

And just the feeling of being in love..

Finally moving on..

as time has gone by the Icy wall surrounDing my heart
has began tO melt.
my life didNt begin wiTh him
and it definateLy dOesn't end without him.

its not easy putting yourself out there but iVe decidEd i will tell mY own stOry.

as most of yoU know by now yes i was hurt.
however im over thAt part of my life.
im oN a new journeY and as i said subconciously iM trying tO find something,
im looking foR somEthing,
i dont know what yet ,
but i know i dont have it,
so im on the path of getting it.

there is nothing better than embracing your life and saying goodbye to what held you back all this time.
i have lots of plans for this year.

im glad he is out of my life..

(there is a message in the capital letters) ;-)

Is Fear Stronger Than Love?

Inspired by my sister, I read the wall,
And the closet said "fear is stronger than love."

I took it in...a deep breath...gazed at the wall
the gaze turned into a stare...a still, statue-like stare

A blank stare capable of freezing you...a daydream...a revelation

Fear is stronger than love...

Is that how you prefer it?
Is that just the way it is?

Or is it a choice?

Are you afraid to love because you're afraid of heartbreak and heartache?
Is your fear of failure stronger than your desire to love?

You fear the dark, you fear heights, you fear what you don't understand--you fear being misunderstood, you fear...fear--but you don't fear being feared--

That's power...that's another story.

You love innocence, you love nature, you love growth--progression...you love success--money, sex, drugs, music--they're all the same.

The pleasure they give you--the high--it's all the same...love is love, right?

Is fear just a characteristic, a trait of the weak? And love, of the passionate, of the creative?

Or are they just instinct? Human nature.

Nowadays, they want you to fear everything in the name of caution and awareness. But of course, you can fear and love simultaneously--they're cut from the same cloth.

Left arm, right arm--they're both arms--both part of the torso...
both with the same functions, same core values...identical.

Love is fear overcome
Fear is love undone...
love never there

Or is--was it? And you didn't know, you passed it by--let it pass you...because of fear

You don't love fear--you fear love...

I'm awake


I’m alone…

And I like it.

I enjoy the peace of mind, there’s nothing like it

Conversations with my shoes—they do most of the talkin

The dialogue you can hear, at least

But the convos are far better with my mind

The talks that she and I have can only be achieved…when I’m alone.

I’m alone…

And I wouldn’t have it any other way

But it’s not like a have a choice, I’m alone every day—

Every night

Walking under the street lights, dazing into the eyes of the moon—

I hope she comes back to me soon

But until then, I’m alone—there’s not much I can do

Try to get around to get my mind off of you

But that doesn’t do much—they’re not quite my style

I don’t get down

the way they get down

And so I’m alone

And I miss you dearly

They say that space is good, but they overlooked this…


I’m an independent man, but that doesn’t mean I don’t need you

Because the fact is that I do, you have consumed me

I used to breathe you, bleed you, sleep you…eat you

I miss those days, those nights are far out of reach now

Now I can only enjoy you temporarily for a time here—a time there…

It isn’t quite fair, but these are the sacrifices we make…

We’re too much alike—not enough sense of urgency,

Because we both have a firm grip on life…

We both know what it takes to make it work,

And so we do it

No questions asked, barely any second thoughts

You know I gotta work, I know you gotta work

And so we understand…and maybe that’s the problem

When does sacrifice become an excuse?

When is enough, enough and we refuse to take the abuse?

Everyone has needs, and I hope you’re not playing me…

Playing with mine

Heartbroken I will be,

Heartless even, maybe

Adjustments made, plans out the window,

But at least I won’t have to start from scratch because I know how it feels

To be alone

When it’s as cold inside as it is out

And there’s no one to hold on to for warmth

Except yourself…

Self-reliance is my name, and maybe you were just a crutch


Now you’re just a convenience, I don’t need you all that much

And I know you feel the same, so we see each other when we can

Not because we’re dangerously in love anymore

We’re not 12-years-old anymore

Grow up

But really the only way to do that

The only way you know you’ve made it

Is when you look around and see no one there…

And smile to the air.