
Is Fear Stronger Than Love?

Inspired by my sister, I read the wall,
And the closet said "fear is stronger than love."

I took it in...a deep breath...gazed at the wall
the gaze turned into a stare...a still, statue-like stare

A blank stare capable of freezing you...a daydream...a revelation

Fear is stronger than love...

Is that how you prefer it?
Is that just the way it is?

Or is it a choice?

Are you afraid to love because you're afraid of heartbreak and heartache?
Is your fear of failure stronger than your desire to love?

You fear the dark, you fear heights, you fear what you don't understand--you fear being misunderstood, you fear...fear--but you don't fear being feared--

That's power...that's another story.

You love innocence, you love nature, you love growth--progression...you love success--money, sex, drugs, music--they're all the same.

The pleasure they give you--the high--it's all the same...love is love, right?

Is fear just a characteristic, a trait of the weak? And love, of the passionate, of the creative?

Or are they just instinct? Human nature.

Nowadays, they want you to fear everything in the name of caution and awareness. But of course, you can fear and love simultaneously--they're cut from the same cloth.

Left arm, right arm--they're both arms--both part of the torso...
both with the same functions, same core values...identical.

Love is fear overcome
Fear is love undone...
love never there

Or is--was it? And you didn't know, you passed it by--let it pass you...because of fear

You don't love fear--you fear love...

I'm awake


Mrz Endy said...

"You don't love fear.. You fear love."
"is you fear of failure stronger than your desire to love?

Definately two wonderful quotes!!!!!
These two got me I read them over and over and was like "wow that's true"

As for me fear of failure is stronger ..
Fear of having yet, another failed relationship.
Fear of someone falling out of love with me.
Fear that love DOESN'T actually last forever.
Fear that I won't love that person for the rest of my life or vise versa.
Fear that I won't be good enough..

Love is what I fear and it's so strong it keeps me away from falling in love again..
At least for now

Mrz Endy said...

Great piece btw
Possibly my favorite!